Please contact Karen Stephan if you are able to help with any of the following volunteer opportunities:
March 3: Need volunteers to help with Picture Day for class and individual pictures. This will take all day. We can use any time you can give.
March 4: Sip & Read - Need volunteers to help distribute smoothies to our students at 1:30pm for the Book of the Month reading.
March 9: Hearing Screening - Screening will be done for grades K-1st and any new Duval County students. We already have the screeners, but we need volunteers to help move students through the process.
Library: Need help in the Media Center on Mondays, Tuesdays, and some Fridays returning library materials to shelves.
Art: Need volunteers to assist our Art Teacher with art classes specifically in the afternoon with Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades.
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